What to expect

Lititz Trinity is a friendly, welcoming church. We'd love to have you join us in worship on Sunday mornings!

When you arrive, you can enter the church at either the Cedar Street or the Orange Street doors. Here you will find a greeter who can direct you to the Welcome Center. Feel free to grab a cup of coffee and a snack, mingle with others, or ask for more info about the church.

Our Location: 

44 E. Orange Street, Lititz

Lititz Trinity is located on the corner of South Cedar and East Orange Streets in downtown Lititz. We are situated across the street from Lititz Elementary School.

Service Times:  

8:15am Traditional Worship

10:30am Contemporary Worship

Both services are about one hour in length.

They include a Bible-based message, prayer, worship in song, and a time of giving.

Opportunities for kids:

We provide nursery care for newborns through age 3. There is also a Sunday School lesson for children in the nursery at 9:15am.

There are Sunday School classes for ages 3 through 6th grade that are held at 9:15am.

We also have Children's Church for ages 3 through 6th grade. Children participate in the first portion of the 10:30am worship service and are then dismissed to their classes during the offering. 

Opportunities for youth:

Sunday School classes are held for youth in 7th through 12th grade at 9:15am.

Opportunities for adults:

Adult Elective classes are available for adults of all ages at 9:30am. Stop by the Connect Cafe or ask one of the greeters at the door to direct you to a class that fits your needs.

What should I wear? 

At Lititz Trinity you will see a variety of styles from casual to dressy, so come as you are!