Order of worship

Click here for the Order of Worship for March 23, 2025.


You are encouraged to check your March Trumpeter for the current list of individuals requesting prayer.

If you would like to receive notifications of new prayer requests, feel free to email prayerchain@lititztrinity.org or contact the church office at office@lititztrinity.org or 717.626.2175

March missions


The Farrs serve with Wycliffe Bible Translators in Orlando, FL, where Jamie works as the Strategic Innovation Consultant for the South Pacific Area. Jamie’s role is primarily focused on global strategies to see every community in this Pacific area get access to some portion of the Bible by 2033.

Jamie thanks our congregation for our support and covets your prayers for his frequent travel and for wisdom in working with his many different translation groups. Also, and especially, prayers for his wife Anita as she “holds down the fort”, and for their 4 teens; Brandon, Abby, JJ and Sierra. Pray that they would grow in the Lord and with each other as they make school and career decisions.  

As of the last 10 days of February, Jamie has been traveling in Papua New Guinea for an incredible and historic event in Bible translation. Below are just a few of the highlights of this trip, working with indigenous pastors in the translation process.

“Three languages will be bringing their scriptures for final review and 30 church leaders that will be participating in the review of process will attend. The goals of this training are to help these languages and their church leaders finish the final steps of authorization of passages as scripture.” 

“The thirty church leaders will then participate in groups of three to review scriptures as they come to the last stage of the process in the 74 different languages currently involved in this project. This is exciting for the community and the church denominations because it marks the first time in history that translation among their people has been done entirely by their people. Every community has participated in conversations around scripture for the first time in their own languages “…

An additional project that is in the works will include over 100 languages identified by the local churches that need to start translation or are a work in progress.

Jamie asked that you pray, as the Lord leads for the following indigenous leaders as they work together on these projects:

Dr. Edward Kolohai, General Secretary of Solomon Islands Church Association ( 6 major denominations looking to start among their communities this year. Elder Kalmaire Kalmar, Translation Coordinator for Presbyterian Church of Vanuatu - they will be starting 25 languages in March. Rev. Joe Tuitoga: Bible society representative and GP Field coordinator that will support the work in Fiji, Naumi, Solomon's, Vanuatu, New Caledonia. Rev. David Nason, Coordinator for Translation of United Church Papuan Islands Region in Milne Bay Papua New Guinea Yara Maka - Director of Battle who has facilitated the work among these languages.

Ministry of the month: 

Congregational Care

Our ministry focus for March is Congregational Care. Please pray for Congregational Care Director, Ryan Taylor, the Care Team and all of the volunteers this month.  

Church room usage

We ask that you still call the church office to reserve a room for your meeting!  This keeps the church calendar current and also allows for proper room cleaning. The church office phone is 717.626.2175 or email office@lititztrinity.org.

2025 flower arrangements

Contact the church office at 717.626.2175 if you would like to sign-up for a flower arrangement for a particular Sunday in 2025. The cost is $55.00 and checks made payable to "Trinity EC Church" should be forwarded to the church office.  


Need to connect to Trinity's WIFI?  

Trinity Guest

Password  TrinityGuest44

online giving

Lititz Trinity is now able to accept online giving. Click here to securely give.  You will be able to choose which fund you wish your money to go towards. Bank cards, credit cards and bank accounts can all be used.  


upcoming events

March 23rd – Communion – Both Services

March 29th, March 31st – April 4th – PB Egg Production Week

March 30th – New Members Received

April 7th – Prayer Walk – 1:00pm

April 12th - Sr. Men's Breakfast - 8:00am

Spring I adult ELECTIVES

The Spring I Adult Electives will run from

March 2, 2025 through April 6, 2025

The options to choose from are:

I, II Thessalonians;Jude - Facilitator - Jim Fleager

The Feasts of the Lord - Facilitator - Ivy Limbert

Laugh Again - Facilitator - Jim Widders

Click here to read course descriptions & to sign up online


The Nursery will be open for your children during the 9:15am  Sunday School hour each week.  Bring your little ones for a Bible story, craft and play time.  Your child will love this time of learning and play!

During the 10:30am worship service, there will be a team of helpers to watch your child as you are in the sanctuary for worship.  

Questions about the nursery can be answered by:              Jennifer Samara at jennifer.samara.13@gmail.com

  Preschoolers thru 6th Grade

Sunday School - 9:15am

Pre-K-2nd Grade will be in Room #208

3rd-6th Grade will be in Room #209

Children's Church - Dismissed during the 10:30am Service

Pre-K-2nd Grade in Room #208

3rd-6th Grade will be in Room #202


For all kids in PreK-6th Grade following the 10:30am Service

A place to hang out after Children's Church

Room #202

Upcoming Events

Click here to see more Kids Events

Story Time

For toddlers & preschoolers

Thursday mornings from 9:30-10:30am

Spring Session: January 23rd - April 24th

Contact the Church Office at 717.626.2175 or office@lititztrinity.org with questions:  

youth group


TODAY -  Sunday School in Room #204 at 9:15am

                 Youth Group in Room #204 from 6:30-8:00pm

UPCOMING - Fuse Event

                          Friday, April 25th at 6:30pm

Contact Youth Director: Mike Maurer to sign up

Director of children's ministry

Lititz Trinity is looking for a part-time director of Children’s Ministry to oversee our program from birth to 6th grade. Please join us in praying for God to fill this important role. If you’re interested in the position, or know someone who might be, please contact the church office for more information!

Seekers Women's Bible Study

The Seekers Women's Bible Study meets the 2nd & 4th Tuesday at 9:00am in Room #107. All women are invited to attend!

Caring closet

The Caring Closet is in need of the following items: 

  • Toilet Paper
  • Dish Detergent
  • Baby Wipes
  • Sandwich Bags
  • Freezer Bags

Please put donations in the wagon in the Coat Room. Thanks!!

Lenten Devotional

Throughout Lent, a daily devotional called “Placing Our Passions in Order: Lessons & Prayers for Lent, 2025” will be available on the church website. Each week, a new devotional written by Dr. Ken Miller, will be added. Please visit https://lititztrinity.org/grow/lenten-devotional throughout Lent to add meaning to your Easter season.

Greeters needed

We are looking for greeters for the 8:15am and the 10:30am services. If you are interested in serving once a month, or even once a quarter, please contact Sandi Foreman at sandi.foreman@hotmail.com.

Easter at Lititz trinity

April 17th - Maundy Thursday Seder Observance in Fellowship

                    Hall – 7:00pm

April 18th – Showing of The Passion of the Christ in the

                     Sanctuary – 12:00pm

April 20th – Sunrise Service @Bomberger Cemetery – 6:30am

April 20th – Easter Breakfast in the Fellowship Hall – 7:30am

April 20th – Easter Worship Service @Trinity – 9:00am

Easter Breakfast

Breakfast will be served Easter Sunday at 7:30am in the Fellowship Hall. Baked oatmeal, mini muffins, assorted fruit & yogurt along with coffee, tea & juice will be served. We are looking for volunteers to provide 10x13 inch pans of baked oatmeal. Contact Steve Heydt at steve@rocketmail.com if you can help.

Maundy Thursday Passover Seder Observance

7:00pm in the Fellowship Hall. People of all ages are encouraged to share in this shortened Haggadah. Sitting at tables sampling foods, you’ll learn about the upper room meal Jesus had with his disciples. Click here to sign up or use the ipad in the Connect Café to insure sufficient samples can be prepared.

Women's Event

Women of all ages are invited to the Extraordinary Women Mercy & Grace Tour at the Giant Center in Hershey on September 19-20, 2025. This event features Annie Downs, Lisa Terkeurst, Chonda Pierce, etc., with Worship music by Chris Tomlin & Michael O’Brien. Sign up online at ewomen.net/hershey-pa-2025. Early registration ends March 31st. Contact Steph Carzola at scarzola@gmail.com to arrange group transportation.

Easter flowers

If you wish to place flowers in the sanctuary during Trinity’s Easter Celebration, please pick up a form from the kiosk by the elevator. Cost is $16.00 for yellow or pink tulips. Orders are due to the office by March 30th.

Safety Team

Volunteers for the Safety Team are needed during the elective hour and the second service. You must be 18 years old to serve. Please contact Tim Prouse at timothy.a.prouse@gmail.com for more info.

Kids Movie day

Are you interested in helping with PB Egg Production but aren’t sure what to do with your children? Or, just looking for something for your children to do this Saturday afternoon? The Children’s Ministry will be offering snacks, craft time & showing the Garfield Movie on Saturday, March 29th from 1:00-4:00pm. Click here to sign up or email Jennifer Samara at jennifer.samara.13@gmail.com for more info.  

Be Still Women's Bible study

Meets the 2nd & 4th Tuesday from 2:00-3:30pm. A new 5-part study on the book of James will begin on March 25th and we invite any interested ladies to join us. Please contact Miriam Moury at mourys@ptd.net for more information. 

Trinity Card ministry

We are looking for volunteers to send cards of encouragement to people 2 months out of the year. Please contact Mary Dombach at mdombach@ptd.net to sign up or for more details.