Wednesday, March 5. Ash Wednesday
Texts: Joel 2:1-2, 12-17. Psalm 51:1-17. 2 Corinthians 5:20-6:10. Matthew 6:1-6, 16-21
Devotional Thought: Ashes. Why ashes? Why this symbol of repentance to begin the season of Lent?
Ashes are what’s left after any use has been made of the wood that once served as a house, a piece of furniture, or simply fuel for a fire that provided warmth. In some Christian traditions, ashes of palms waved the previous year in celebrating Palm Sunday are used on Ash Wednesday. Sometimes they are applied in the form of a cross on the forehead of the penitent. The wood, the greens have burned; of what use can they be? What value do they hold?
In themselves, the answer, of course, is none; they have no value, they produce nothing. But they symbolize for the Christian two critical truths about ourselves. The first has to do with our inability to serve the Kingdom of God as we are; the second has to do with what God does when He creates beauty out of ashes, eternal good out of worldly brokenness. We begin Lent, the season of repentance, with the honest truth about ourselves. David’s plea in Psalm 51 comes from someone who has honestly faced himself for who he really is and what he has really done. No excuses, no explanations, no blame placed on circumstances or on other people. He knows he has committed sin and wants only to be honest and acknowledge what God already knows. He cannot have peace, he cannot please God, he cannot be of meaningful service unless God washes him and restores him completely. Far from David’s mind is any idea that God is lucky to have him on His side, that God should take what He gets and be satisfied, grateful for the assistance He has received.
The second truth is the miraculous work that God does in the life of one who honestly repents. Yes, it truly is miraculous. It is the truth of what God intends to do with and through the person who has honestly faced the truth about himself/herself and places one’s life in God’s hands, both for forgiveness--full forgiveness--and for ministry in bringing about reconciliation. We won’t know what it looks like, and it might not even look like success from the perspective of the world; see Paul’s assessment in 2 Corinthians 5-6. Paul is honest about wanting the kingdom more than anything, and he is willing to serve it no matter what. Most of us are not quite of that mind, if we are honest about it. We’d prefer some assurance of safety, some degree of comfort and acceptance, some confidence that folks will understand us. These are good things; but they are not guaranteed. Yet God’s promise is that He will gather up the ashes of our lives–what is left of all our spent energy, efforts–and use them for His redeeming work in our very uncertain and very broken world.
Prayer: Lord of heaven and earth, I call on You today in answer to the trumpet call of Lent. Through many years, Your people have been told to remember the life and death of Jesus by coming before You in repentance. As I hear the call yet again, I ask You to to be the one who does the searching of those thoughts, words, actions, and attitudes which keep me farther from You than You want me to be.
You have called me with countless others to be ambassadors to a world that does not know You. Cleanse me for the task, I pray. May I never forget that it is Your work, and that You alone can give me what I need to fulfill it. I bring nothing of my own; may I never become proud, as though You need what I have. It is always the other way, for I need Thee every hour. Amen.
Thursday, March 6
Texts: Psalm 91:1-2, 9-16. Exodus 5:10-23. Acts 7:30-34
Devotional Thought: Dwelling in the shadow of the almighty. Making God our refuge. Sounds like a good idea, doesn’t it? After all, shouldn’t the Maker of heaven and earth provide the best place for us to hang our hats–the place where we find safety and security while doing business in a rather challenging world?
In today’s world (and probably in every day’s world throughout history), there are different sets of policies and procedures, rules and expectations that are placed upon us in the various facets of life we experience. The way we work, the way we participate in public life, the way we entertain ourselves, the way we raise and educate the next generation all come with particular ways of doing things. Some of these ways are compatible with the view of life given to us by our Creator; some are not. Much of the time we are unaware of the differences. But the more we “dwell” in the Lord’s Word and His ways, the more awareness we will have about the difference pleasing God and pleasing those around us.
But it’s not as though doing things according to God’s expressed desires guarantee better acceptance in the world; as the Exodus story illustrates, it sometimes brings hardship rather than immediate blessing. Can we dwell in Him–live from the perspective of the One who knows the outcome of all things and has promised us safe passage through both life and death–even when it brings temporary hardship upon us? Lent challenges us to greater awareness of what we are doing when we simply follow the crowd.
Prayer: Dear Lord, sometimes it is hard. Sometimes it is confusing. Sometimes it is costly. Following Your will seems like the right thing, even the only thing to do; yet it comes with conflict. I want to believe, I want to trust. I hear the promise that You will provide and protect; yet at times I cannot see because the unbelieving world crushes my spirit and blinds me to the truth.
Today, Lord, I repent of my unbelief in times that are difficult, when it becomes too easy to give in, too tempting to take my eyes off You. For the many witnesses in history who have paid higher prices for faithfulness than I have been called on to pay, I give You thanks. And I ask for the same grace to endure my own trials that You provided for them in theirs. Amen.
Friday, March 7
Texts: Psalm 91:1-2, 9-16. Exodus 6:1-13. Acts 7:35-42
Devotional Thought: How can we know whom to believe? Whose word should we trust? Does it really matter, as long as we are hearing what seems to be helpful? Does anyone really tell the truth, if there is such a thing in the first place? We hear a lot of thoughts about the way the world works, where it is going, and how to make the best of it along the way. Much of the talk about these matters can be dismissed rather easily; a little reflection can go a long way toward eliminating one idea or another. After a while, none of it sounds believable. Then what? The questions about life persist after the answers seem to have exhausted themselves.
Today’s world, in spite of the technological changes, isn’t much different from the one depicted in the Bible. Lots of people draw crowds, create a following, a party, a movement; they claim to have the key to making everything work smoothly in the world. We tend to latch on to the ones who say the things we want to hear and argue against those who challenge those ideas. Paul reminds us that it is only the ones who point to Jesus and his kingdom that are worthy of our attention. It is then up to us to see beyond the messenger and fix our attention and set our course according to Jesus himself. He not not only speaks the truth, but is himself the truth.
Prayer: God of constant faithfulness, I ask You today for eyes and ears that are so focused on Your Word that the sights and sounds of the day will not deter my confidence in You. I ask for the strength to believe when those around me do not. I ask for courage to walk in Your way, even when it means I might do so without the companionship of those close to me.
Forgive me, I pray, for holding too tightly to the words and opinions of the world. Sometimes they come from those who worship with me, sometimes from members of my family. When this happens, may Your Holy Spirit shout to me that Your Word alone is truth. Set my feet more firmly upon it, that I will stand firm, even if I stand alone. Amen
Saturday, March 8
Texts: Psalm 91:1-2, 9-16. Ecclesiastes 3:1-8. John 12:27-36
Devotional Thought: Our world has become very contentious. Finding common ground on controversial subjects has become rather uncommon; showing sensitivity to the needs and experiences of other people has almost ceased to seem sensible. Social media have given us the opportunity to talk to and about other people without actually facing them and choosing our words or our silence in ways that respect them. Demonizing those who are not like us has freed us from responsibility for honoring their dignity.
Most of us really do want a better world Than the contentious one around us; and we’re tempted to suggest the solution that comes from someone who thinks the way we do about the issues of the day. But what if we lifted up Jesus instead? What if we as his followers could really trust that when we point to him, high and lifted up on a cross, he will draw people of various opinions to change their perspective and follow the eternal One rather than one of the sides we draw up for every issue? Let’s try, without concerning ourselves with whether He will come to us at the right time.
Prayer: Eternal Father, Author of time and space, hear my prayer today. It is beyond wonder that I can even come to You; for Your very being is a mystery too great to be explored. Yet You ask us to come, You tell us You know us, little as we are. And You know the times and seasons of the earth, not only concerning weather and climate, but concerning trends of politics and philosophies, history and cultures. You are never surprised.
How foolish and selfish I am to question when and how You come to my aid, to change the things I do not like or understand. Yet I have done this. And I ask Your forgiveness. I seek a renewal of my mind, that I may grow in wisdom by seeking Jesus, the Light of the world when darkness and doubt tempt me to object to Your seeming inactivity in the face of trouble. Let me rest assured of Your perfect timing in all things. Amen.
Sunday, March 9
Texts: Deuteronomy 26:1-11. Psalm 91:1-2, 9-16. Romans 10:8-13. Luke 4:1-13
Devotional Thought: Temptation. Not a comforting word, is it? Before ever getting into specific thoughts, actions, or attitudes, the word seems to put us on the defensive. We tend to think that we’re already under suspicion when we recognize that it is happening; and it does tend to sneak up on us without a lot of warning. Spiritually, we seem to be moving along just fine until out of nowhere we are faced with a crisis of faith–am I going to follow through with a choice suddenly placed in front of me, or am I going to step back and evaluate the choice more carefully?
Doesn’t it help to know that Jesus was also tempted? And that he showed the way through temptation? Like the Israelites to whom Moses spoke, we are called to remember who we are as God’s people. And we are so, not because of our own actions or qualifications, but because of what God has done. He called the nation of Israel; and in Christ he has called us as well, promising his own presence and power in the time of temptation. You and I might be weak; but He is not. Call on him in the time of trial and temptation.
Prayer: To come before You, O Lord, is so great a privilege; may I never forget. To have life with abundance of food, clothing, a place to live, people of peace with whom to share the goodness of the land in which we live is so great a gift; may I never presume that it is earned. To have the hope that only Christ can bring is so great a joy; may I not fail to share what I have found in Him.
Keep me so close to Your Word, I pray, that the provisions of the earth will never overshadow the Provider in my priorities and my plans. Reinforce daily that I cannot live without the Word of the Lord, which is the Bread of Life; provoke my soul when easier but ungodly ways of obtaining what I need or want tempt me to follow another path, another voice. Forgive my sin, I pray. Amen.
Monday, March 10
Texts: Psalm 17. 1 Chronicles 21:1-17. 1 John 2:1-6
Devotional Thought: What sort of pattern have you followed with regard to a perpetual temptation, one to which you have succumbed on many occasions? Do you stress over each failure, or have you convinced yourself that it’s not really a big deal, and maybe not even a sin at all? Maybe you’ve concluded that God has run out of forgiveness for this particular problem–and so has his power to overcome it in your life. Perhaps we think that it is “only” a private matter that doesn’t affect anyone else. Therefore, you can handle it. As long as your public record looks better than the average person, you think it’s all okay. For the record, “been there, done that.”
But there’s a better, more satisfying way. It’s found in truly taking God at his word on two counts: first, actually accepting that he will forgive confessed sin. How freeing that is! Secondly, and less joyful a thought, is that our love for God can be measured by our obedience to what he asks of us. Don’t sing, “My Jesus, I Love Thee,” while having little regard for his command, particularly the command to love one another.
Prayer: I confess, O Lord. I confess that my confidence in keeping myself true to Your ways, Your desires, and Your will is misplaced; for in You and in You alone is there grace and power to withstand the temptations that overtake me in a moment’s notice. And in You alone is there the forgiveness that I need when I fall.
Let my mind be ever aware of the danger to myself and to others who depend upon me when I follow ideas and plans You have not ordained for my good. Your designs for life are righteous and good, whether I see their intent or not. Keep me from the foolishness of thinking that I, the clay, could know better than the potter how I should be made. I want to trust You more to create within me all that You know I can be and work through me blessing rather than hardship for those who depend upon me. Amen.
Tuesday, March 11
Texts: Psalm 17. Zechariah 3:1-10. 2 Peter 2:4-21
Devotional Thought: Who are your favorite authors, speakers, or teachers? What makes them stand out from others who do the same thing? Is it something in their words or expressions that rings true according to the Scriptures as you know them? Is it something that allows you to think in a new way about an old subject? Is it “edgy” or something that allows you to rethink your previous understanding of the Bible?
From the first days of the Christian faith, there have been teachers. It’s a gift the Holy Spirit has provided through certain individuals whom he has selected for the task. But from the first days of the Christian faith there have also been false teachers as well as Spirit-gifted ones. The motivation for false teaching might be popularity, financial gain, or anything else that appeals to the flesh. In most cases, false teachers are people who have found ways to make the Word of God sound more appealing, and less in conflict with the thoughts and trends of the day. It appeals to the flesh, not the spirit–which will always be at odds with the flesh. Judging between true and false teachers is not always easy. But one question that can guide us is whether the conclusion of the teaching is an appeal to the flesh or to the spirit. Read much; but don’t forget to ask this.
Prayer: So many voices, O God!
Some with truth, many with lies, some with lies pretending to speak for You, all shouting to be heard, wanting to be followed. In this age of confusion, give us ears tuned to Your Spirit’s voice, keenly aware that we need to hear things we’d rather not hear; that we need to reject some of the things we like to hear to gratify the flesh.
Forgive me, Lord, for seeking the impossible ground of having the Spirit of life and the spirit of the age dwell peacefully together. Let me finally stand with the one whom the Accuser could not touch or disparage. Remove deception far from me, I pray. Amen.
Wednesday, March 12
Texts: Psalm 17. Job 1:1-22. Luke 21:34-22:6
Devotional Thought: In Luke’s text, Jesus tells his followers that they should not let their hearts be dulled by carousing, drunkenness, or by the worries of this life. Perhaps the first two do not pose a serious temptation for many of us (though the chasing of pleasure might be similar to carousing), the last on the list hits most people to one degree or another. We are saturated with news of one problem or another from dawn to midnight; and much of the time it is not simply to inform, but to arouse passion about the terrible things that are happening–or will happen if certain people or parties get their way. The worries of life are not confined to providing for our needs; they include the pending “crisis” on this, that, or the other front.
Jesus does not say that crises will not occur–very bad things will happen in this world. We won’t change that fact by electing new leadership. But we must change what such news does to us. If our hopes are all located in this world, we will fret and be rendered helpless. But if we also hear his words of promise that his kingdom is coming, and that we will share in it, the fear and dread of the day’s news will not shake us. We must spend time away from the cares of the world that will crumble in order to prepare for the one that is unshakeable.
Prayer: Jesus, it’s so easy to be caught up in the things that are happening in this world. All around us are claims of business, of pleasure, of news that does not necessarily concern us–yet we tune to it, anxious to know the latest word, the newest trend, the popular opinion. We grasp and we worry, we speculate and we fret. The anxieties of life surely draw us from the sound of your voice.
Like those who came to hear you teach at the temple, I need to come to you each morning to hear your voice, that the real and present dangers that do surround me in this troubled world may be seen in the light of your truth. For only you know the end from the beginning, and only in you will all things be made right. Amen.
Thursday, March 13
Texts: Psalm 27. Genesis 13:7, 14-18. Philippians 3:2-12
Devotional Thought: What are you good at? What is that one thing that allows you to feel you are better than most in a particular area of life, be it in business, at play, in school, in crafts of any kind, or in games? We all look for this piece of life, and sometimes find our validation in it. Some people never find that one thing; others believe themselves to be better than others in multiple areas.
God wants us to thrive; we are encouraged to do whatever we do “as unto the Lord,” which would be motivation to do things well. But in the process, we can never lose sight of the truth that everything we have–including the abilities to do all manner of things well, is ultimately not our own. We too easily take pride in what we can do. We should forget that even without these abilities, we are valued in His sight because of our standing in Christ. He gave us everything we need for life–including those special gifts and abilities–and for godliness. Our abilities give us standing among people; but only God himself gives us standing in him. That’s rather comforting as we become ill or injured or as we age and find we can no longer do the things we once did to the same level of competence.
Prayer: Sometimes, Lord, the enemies that surround me are my own thoughts, my dreams, my own plans. They take me captive and threaten to subvert my confidence that true life and true hope, true security and true value are found when I am sheltered within the truth of your word.
You have given all that I need; nothing I bring with me can make me more acceptable to you, except for my daily acknowledgement that you are what I need. Keep me true to this confession as I continue through this day. For you are sufficient. Amen.
Friday, March 14
Texts: Psalm 27. Genesis 14:17-24. Philippians 3:17-20
Devotional Thought: There’s something about us as human beings that craves attention for our accomplishments. We want someone to recognize what we’ve done. In some cases, the desire for recognition far exceeds the deserving. In other cases, there is a feeling of despair when legitimately earned accolades are not forthcoming. Maybe it’s an internal, subconscious desire to hear a parent saying, “well done! I’m proud of you.” All too often, this felt need causes people to search anywhere to find its satisfaction.
Scripture says it in many different ways, but the idea that no one earns salvation, or a place in the kingdom of God, is clearly stated in Paul's words. Not even Abraham, nor anyone else, has entered into God’s redemption because they did something to deserve it. Abraham believed God; that was considered as righteousness, and it continues to be so for everyone since then. Do I believe what God says enough to act on it because it’s true? It is so much against the grain of our culture, where everything must be earned by whatever means of ingenuity, resolve, cleverness, or strength of will we can muster. Carrying that mindset into our relationship with God is dangerous. He has done all that needs to be done, but sometimes we’re too proud to accept that we need nothing but his grace and our humble response.
Prayer: Like Abraham, like David, like Paul, like so many of your faithful servants through many ages, my true hope, O God, is not bound to this world. It is not dependent upon circumstances or upon fortunes that rise and fall with the rising and setting of the sun. My hope is secured by the promise of the creator, not by the armies of any nation.
Forgive me Lord, for taking my eyes off the true prize and settling for porridge now rather than the feast of the future. Let me see the challenges of the world as the temporal hurdles they truly are, for they will fade in the distance when the finish line is reached. Amen.
Saturday, March 15
Texts: Psalm 27. Psalm 118:26-29. Matthew 23:3-39
Devotional Thought: We praise people in this world more often than we realize. Why do we create such things as fan clubs or cheering sections, or watch celebrities show off the latest fashion design after these same people are praised for their creative work on film or stage? We need an autograph! We praise political leaders, band leaders, and team leaders. We even hold parades in their honor.
Sometimes people desire praise for their religious superiority, sometimes (but always) demonstrated by virtue of holding certain positions of authority. Jesus has some rather scathing comments about such people. The problem wasn’t that they were leaders; the problem was that their personal integrity did not match the core of the faith itself. Their desire for praise outweighed their desire to reflect the character of God.
While it may be normal to recognize outstanding talent and performance, even among worthy religious authorities, does our praise of God exceed the level of praise we give to people? How should we praise Him? Maybe in the same way we do it with others–note the deeds, the character, and the accomplishments. It shouldn’t take long to notice the superiority of his work and character over all others.
Prayer: Praise belongs to you alone, our God and our King, our Savior and our Guide!
I confess that I bring it to you so little in light of all You are and of all You provide and promise. It is easy to give praise to those who do great things in this world, whether in creating and performing great art, solving previously insurmountable problems, answering previously perplexing questions, or excelling at feats of strength. Perhaps it shows that I think of these too much and of you too little. Set my mind upon my true hope, my sights upon my true Master. May his praise be continually in my mouth. Amen.
Sunday, March 16
Texts: Psalm 27. Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18. Philippians 3:17-4:1. Luke 13:31-35
Devotional Thought: “We don’t do it that way.”
Is that our reaction to seeing and hearing of the shameful and destructive ways of life followed by people around us? Is our response a sense of gratitude for being given a different pathway to follow, one with a far better outcome? Does it cause us to think about why we behave differently? Are there times when our own desires tend to reflect the “others” more than they reflect what we ought to be pursuing as Christians?
Paul’s response to undisciplined ways of life–those that consider only immediate satisfaction without thought of the future–is tears. It hurts inside to see people living only for instant pleasure. He’s especially dismayed when believers act in such a manner. It shows to him that they have not sufficiently considered what lies ahead for those who are in Christ. That life will be one where bodily appetites will no longer conflict with the desire for God’s presence. He reminds us to make that hope our goal every day, beginning now rather than when we die.
Prayer: Father, your call and your promise are the deepest longing of people everywhere. You provided these for all the world. And when people strayed by following only the desire for physical pleasure, You came to us so that we might come to you and enjoy eternal fellowship, rather than merely temporary satisfaction. You invite us to live in light of that hope.
Your call and your promise are ever before us; You’ve given us the examples of faithful people to follow. When we fail we not only lose sight of our goal, but we deter others from hearing, believing, obeying, and laying hold of the glorious hope. Forgive us, we humbly pray, for not claiming by faith the power to live in such a way that we will invite people around us to follow our example. Lead us, Lord. Amen.
Monday, March 17
Texts: Psalm 105:1-15, 42; Exodus 33:1-6; Romans 4:1-12
Devotional Thought: Have you ever entertained thoughts that turned to worry over whether you’re good enough for God? Have you ever fretted over the things you cannot do spiritually that other “stronger “ Christians do? Has it ever occurred to you that you have, in fact, done enough to secure your place among the people God will redeem. Or, conversely, that you never will? Or, perhaps, you’re so bothered by the sins you have committed that you doubt that God’s forgiveness will ever apply to you? In one form or another, most of us have had these thoughts.
Do you realize that entertaining such thoughts amounts to disbelief? On one hand, these ideas might lead us to realize the truth about ourselves and about God; we’re absolutely right in thinking we will never be good enough, never perform sufficient good works to earn our place. But that’s exactly where God does what God has said He will do–count our faith, our belief in His unmerited grace as our only means of acceptance among His people. We can believe that God will honor His word because He has done so in large and small ways throughout history. Thus the psalmist and Paul agree that recounting what God has done in the past by fulfilling His word is sufficient evidence to believe anything else He says–including forgiving our sins and making us whole when we turn to Him in faith and believe that we are forgiven when we confess our sins.
Prayer: Lord, if my standing with You depended upon what I have done, surely I would fail. There is nothing I can do to earn your favor, except to believe what you have said. And in my believing, drive away all the thoughts and ideas that wage war against You and against what is good for Your people.
Lead me to see who You truly are as revealed in the inspired words of Scripture. Give me the courage to see myself through the lives and experiences of the people found in those same pages. For like them, I forget what You have done simply because the moment might be hard, the next step might be difficult, or the final destination might be obscured from sight.Today, remind me of Your good and perfect gifts that I might turn from seeking other goals. Amen.
Tuesday, March 18
Texts: Psalm 105:1-15, 42; Number 14:10-24; 1 Corinthians 10:1-13
Devotional Thought: Much of life has to do with balancing two equally important concerns that sometimes appear to be at odds with one another. Anyone who has raised children knows this; the desire to give them every advantage, every good thing sometimes conflicts with teaching them discipline and commitment, cost and value. Finding the balance between work and rest can also be challenging, and is seldom settled once and for all. Good things out of proportion become less good, and perhaps become detrimental. Grace and responsibility are another tough challenge for most Christians.
Yesterday’s thought focused on believing in God’s free gift of grace. And we must believe it! But grace can too easily be seen as a license–if I’m going to be forgiven anyway, does it really matter what I do in this one instance–which becomes more than one very quickly. If we find ourselves continually craving evil things, we have a problem, as Paul wrote to the Corinthian believers. It does both our own souls–our innermost thought control center–and our neighbors’ understanding of the gospel great harm. We are witnesses of Christ. The question is whether we are good ones or not. That’s a better framework for Christians to build into their minds. Instead of asking if we can get away with something, we should ask whether the unbelievers in our influence are drawn toward or pushed away from the gospel by our actions.
Prayer: God of wisdom and power, of holiness and mercy, and of both forgiveness and punishment, I come as one clinging to the promise. You have spared your people through many rebellious actions and attitudes; you have also kept them from thinking they are above your justice, free to do as they please.
May I never think that because You forgive, You will not care about the lack of faith, the loss of hope, and neglect of Your will that tempts me in this world. Give me ears to hear, eyes to see, and a heart to serve by thinking more of Your desires and less of my wants. Forgive me, I pray, for presuming upon Your grace. Amen.